Dr. Daiki Ishiyama, DC, DCCJP
Board Certified NUCCA & DCCJP Doctor
Dr. Daiki, originally from Tokyo, Japan, has been practicing in both Chicago for 16 years and also Tokyo. His approach to healthcare reflects his belief in treating every patient like family, embodying a craftsman’s spirit and upholding high standards. Beyond NUCCA care, Dr. Daiki engages in research, medical hardware and software development, leadership, and mentoring in both the US and Japan.
Dr. Daiki Ishiyama is one of only 30 board-certified NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) doctors worldwide. He specializes in identifying and correcting structural displacement that affects the brain stem and central nervous system, helping both adults and children achieve optimal health and enhanced natural healing and pain relief through NUCCA care.
Dr. Daiki also holds a Diplomate in Chiropractic Cranio-Cervical Junction Procedures (DCCJP), an advanced certification that deepens his understanding of the cranio-cervical junction. He is one of only three doctors worldwide to achieve board certification in both NUCCA and DCCJP. Dr. Daiki’s expertise was honed over 16 years of mentorship under the esteemed Dr. Marshall Dickholtz Jr. and Dr. Dickholtz Sr., pioneers in the field of upper cervical NUCCA care. Dr. Daiki will now carry on their passion and legacy, not only for the doctors and patients, in the pursuit of NUCCA care.
Dr. Daiki holds several prominent positions in North America, serving as a member of the NUCCA Board of Directors, Co-Chair of Certification and Standards, Co-Chair of International Relations, NUCCA Credential Instructor and Mentor, Secretary of the UCRF Board of Directors, and Chair of Advanced Imaging for the ICA Council on Upper Cervical Care. Additionally, Dr. Daiki is the Program Director and Instructor of The GS Course, as well as a Team Doctor and member of the Board of Directors for OnlineCircus. In Japan and Asia, Dr. Daiki is the Founder of the Council on Cranio-Cervical Care JP, a Board member of the Japan Blow Golf Association, and serves on the Advisory Board for Kinetikos. His extensive experience includes collaboration with Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd. and the RIKEN Center for Brain Science on advanced fMRI studies, showcasing a distinguished international leadership and advisory role in upper cervical care, research, and related disciplines.
Education and Certifications
Doctor of Chiropractic – Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa (2008)
Board Certifications
・NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association)
・DCCJP (Diplomate in Chiropractic Cranio-Cervical Junction Procedures)
Professional Roles
North America
・NUCCA Board of Directors
・Co-Chair of NUCCA Certification and Standards
・Co-Chair of NUCCA International Relations
・NUCCA Credential Instructor and Mentor
・UCRF Board of Directors – Secretary
・ICA Council on Upper Cervical Care – Chair of Advanced Imaging
・The GS Course – Program Director and Instructor
・OnlineCircus – Team Doctor and Board of Directors
・Council on Cranio-Cervical Care JP – Founder
・Japan Blow Golf Association – Board of Directors
・Kinetikos – Advisory Board
Collaboration(fMRI Study)
・Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd.
・RIKEN Center for Brain Science
Practice Locations
・Chicago, USA (Main)
・Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Daiki Ishiyama, DC, DCCJP
アジア人唯一、世界で30人名のNUCCA(National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association)専門ドクターの一人で、脳幹と中枢神経系に影響を与える構造的なずれを特定し、修正することを専門としており、NUCCAケアを通じて大人と子どもが最適な健康状態と自然な身体の機能回復とパフォーマンスの向上を行う。
また、上部頸椎領域の専門ドクターDCCJP(Diplomate in Chiropractic Cranio-Cervical Junction Procedures)の資格を持ち、NUCCAとDCCJPの両方で認定を受けた世界で唯一の3人のドクターである。NUCCAケアの分野でのパイオニアであるDr. Marshall Dickholtz Jr.とDr. Dickholtz Sr.のもとで16年間の指導を受け、専門知識を磨き、現在はメンターの意志を引き継ぎ、関連ドクターや患者さんのために日々全てを費やす。
Dr. Daikiは、北米でのいくつかの重要な役職を持ち、NUCCA理事、NUCCA認定試験と基準の共同議長、NUCCA国際部門の共同議長、NUCCA指導ドクター、UCRF理事秘書、ICA上部頸椎ケア評議会の高度画像診断部門の議長などを務める。また、The GS Courseのプログラムディレクター兼指導ドクター、OnlineCircusのチームドクター兼理事でもある。アジアでは、Cranio-Cervical Care JP評議会の創設者、Japan Blow Golf Associationの理事、Kinetikosのアドバイザリーボードを担当。さらに、吉本興業 Co., Ltd.やRIKEN脳科学総合研究センターと協力して、fMRIの先進的な研究を行った。
Doctor of Chiropractic – Palmer College of Chiropractic Iowa USA 2008
・NUCCA(National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association)
・DCCJP(Diplomate in Chiropractic Cranio-Cervical Junction Procedures)
・UCRF理事 – 秘書
・ICA上部頸椎ケア評議会 – 高度画像診断の議長
・The GS Course – プログラムディレクター兼指導ドクター
・OnlineCircus – チームドクター兼理事
・Cranio-Cervical Care JP評議会 – 創設者
・Japan Blow Golf Association – 理事
・Kinetikos – アドバイザリーボード
・吉本興業 Co., Ltd.